Georgia + Dan // Wylam Brewery, Newcastle, UK

Wylam Brewery Wedding – Newcastle Wedding Videographer

What made you choose Wylam Brewery as your venue

We chose Wylam Brewery simply because we wanted a venue that reflected us truthfully. It’s style and design is second to none and it’s truly somewhere we feel comfortable. And they make tremendous beers.

What made you choose Juno Wedding Films to document your day

I’ve known for years I wanted you to be part of our day, even before we were engaged. I’ve always looked at your work in admiration.

What do you guys do?, what is important in life to you? How do you spend your days?

I’m a wedding photographer and Georgia is an art consultant. Day days together pretty much evolve around Moses, he’s literally our best friend. We spend a lot of time just being with each other, our friends and family – you never know what’s around the corner and these relationships need to be treasured

The proposal, how did it happen, what is the story?

I proposed pretty much 2 years to the date of our wedding, quite a low key, dinner at BALTIC on the quayside followed by me getting down on one knee.

What kind of experience did you want for your guests from your wedding?

Honestly we just wanted everyone to have a lovely time – that was our aim. It’s not often you get all of your closest family and friends in one room together and we just wanted to make the most of that. I remember taking a step back on the evening just to take everything in and look at everyone having a great time, it was quite surreal.

Venue : Wylam Brewery

Photogrpaher: Nigel John

Second Photogrpaher: Luke Bell

Videographer: Juno Wedding Films

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