Hannah + Ludwig // Two Temple Place, London


Two Temple Place | Timeless, Elegant and Beautiful Central London Wedding | Luxury Wedding Video

As a luxury videographer, I have seen some truly remarkable weddings, but Hannah and Ludwig’s celebration of love was one for the books. Originally from Sweden, the couple moved to the UK for work and have two small girls, and their wedding at Two Temple Place in Central London was a truly epic celebration.

The wedding ceremony was held at an incredible church full of live music and a large orchestra. The couple flew over Swedish pop stars and Eurovision winner The Mamas to sing at their wedding, which made the occasion truly special. They sang Hannah down the aisle and also serenaded the couple as they exited the church, making for a truly unforgettable moment.

The wedding was planned by Lillingston Events, who are not only brilliant planners but also great friends. The planning was exquisite, and it was a pleasure to work alongside the talented photographer Lara Arnott.

The couple had vintage London red buses to carry them and their guests to a boat on the Thames, where they sailed down the river to Two Temple Place for the reception. The location was stunning, and the festivities were truly memorable. People sang, ate, and danced till the early morning, creating an atmosphere of pure joy and celebration.

It was a true honour to be a part of this remarkable event, and I will cherish the memories for a lifetime. Congratulations to the happy couple, and here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness!


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